Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why do passengers on the plane ignore the rules advised by the crew members?

For an example, when advised to turn off your electronic devices for departure. Why run the risk of being removed from the plane or even arrested?|||why do people speed? Because they think they can get away with it and they think that they are above rules|||Many people are stupid. And today, air fares are lower than ever before, so really stupid people who could not afford to fly in the old days can now fly easily. This is also one reason why in-flight incidents such as air rage (often aggravated by alcohol) are more common than ever before.

It's not very politically correct to point this out, but it's still true. These days you fly with a lot of trailer trash that you would not have encountered 30-40 years ago.

It is true that electronic devices don't actually interfere with aircraft systems. Some people know this. However, that's not an excuse for breaking the rules. The regulations are still the same, and until someone changes the regulations, you still have to turn electronic devices off when instructed to do so.

The really stupid people are those who still think devices can interfere with the aircraft, and who know that it's not allowed to use them in flight, but STILL use them. They truly care nothing about anyone.

If it's any consolation, these stupid people aren't really putting you in any danger. It has long been established that electronic gadgets in the cabin are harmless to aircraft systems, and some pilots even use their laptops and iPhones in the cockpit (even though this is just as illegal for them as it is for passengers). It doesn't cause crashes.|||Why do they run the risk of crashing the plane? Interfering with the flight communications?

Even better yet: why is it that 50% of the people who die in plane crashes die because they don't know where the exits are and don't know what to do to survive?

When you get on a plane, do you look at the emergency card? Do you look for the exits?|||It's this thing call stupidity....I have no clue why people know what they are suppose to do but don't do it, Oh yeah....It's Stupidity! It's contagious.

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