Thursday, December 15, 2011

About how much does a plane ticket cost if ur going from north carolina 2 Guatemala during July?

Well I'm 13 %26amp; this is going 2 b my first time on an air plane. And I want 2 know how much its going 2 cost for one minor 2 travel from Raleigh, NC 2 Guatemala City. Please help asap bcuz my parents r planning 2 sent me the first week of July.|||Check out Just enter the city you are leaving from and the place you are traveling to and it should give the cheapest fares.|||there are quite a few sites that you can search that will likely give you the best prices available. just go here: and you will be able to compare prices on all the reputable travel sites in just a couple minutes. it's very convenient and will save you a bunch of time and money. Also, make sure you buy them online... otherwise they charge much higher fees for phone orders. good luck.

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