Saturday, December 17, 2011

How can I fund raise $3000 dollars in two months to purchase plane tickets for a missions trip to Asia?

My husband and I are interested in going to Asia for a missions trip and we need about $2000-$3000 to pay for our plane tickets. We have to do our own fundraising to make this happen.||| is a great way to make extra money. The site will ask you to complete surveys and offers and those companies will then pay you. Unlike most work at home jobs this is one is really legit and actually sends real checks to you at the end of the month. I have already made over $2500+ from this website and keep it mind that everything is free.I will love to answer any questions that you might have regarding this just contact me:

My email is

My AIM RipWalletFrancis

My blog|||Take a offering for a special mission trip. Some churhes will give money for it.|||WELL YOU CAN GET A BAKE SALE TOGETHER AND COMBINE IT WITH A DONATIONS CAR WASH THAT IS ALWAYS A BIG HIT!|||where in Asia? and from where? tickets are not that high prices in the winter.

If you can't raise money or using your savings (which I guess you don't have)... don't go. There is more than just airfare. Food and lodging are usually not free.

Mission (s)!!! are usually done by churches and the like and they pay for it.... It looks like you want to go on vacations.|||Ask for it. There are a great number of religious mission system available to you.

Contact your local worship leader, and explain your vision. He/she will usually direct you to the outreach portion of your nationwide faith. For the portion of your vision which matches those of your religion, there is usually funding available.

My place of worship independently sponsors more than one mission per year, for ours is a plentiful house, and the wealth is shared, not coveted. Many of these sponsorships are not 100% of the required moneys, but they help.

If all of this is done, and the amount you post is the matching for a grant, consider cleaning out yards. this time of year, great numbers of persons will repsond positively to this. you market in the evenings, presenting yourself, your goals, and your offer, and you arrive on a Saturday morning and haul away leaves, branches, and small items to your local recycling center. You need a trailer with hitch, some trash bags, hand tools, serious gloves, and sometimes dust masks. This activity is somewhat universal, which will also teach you something more about how to get around in the larger world toward which you plan.

May you go with God.|||Theres tons of ways to raise money for missionary trips. First off, talk to the church that is organizing the trip to find out what they are doing to raise money or if they can help you to be able to get your tickets. If you are still at a loss, ask local stores if they will allow you to put donation cans in their stores. Ask all Christian stores in town if they have ideas. Ask if they will donate items to be raffled. Sell handmade crafts and baked goods. Have a barbeque dinner and sell tickets. Considering the cause, you may even find people from within the church who will donate money to buy tickets. Ask your church if they will make announcements at services and allow people to make donations towards the tickets there at church. And remember if it is God's will that you and your husband are able to go on the trip, the funds will become available. You may also want to research missionary groups that travel to Asia, aside from the group you are going with and ask them if they may be able to help. Team up with other people who are planning to go on the trip also to get a larger group of people looking for donations. This will encourage people, because there will be people who may think that you are gathering money for yourself and not for a missionary trip. Good luck and God bless!|||Show your enthusiasm and love for the country you plan to visit. Talk to people (co-workers, librarians, your hairdresser) about the trip and why you want to go.

Put together a letter with a picture of the two of you. (If you've done other mission work, a picture of the two of you in action would be good.) Describe the work you will be doing, the places you will visit, why you feel called to that particular place, and maybe even what you'll do when you get back. Have a couple of friends proofread and give you feedback on the tone. Print the letter on nice paper and send it to everyone you know.

People have also set up websites to receive donations; I've never done that myself, but it would be faster than asking people to mail checks.

Ask people to donate to this cause instead of giving holiday, anniversary, or birthday gifts.

If you belong to a church with a national office, see whether they fund missions. They probably won't foot the entire bill, but even $50 helps, and you can say you are going with their support.

Have a party in your home or in the church hall and ask for donations. Give it a theme and play some trivia games with facts about the country you plan to visit. Put up maps and pictures from magazines or the Internet.

Promise donors to give a slide show when you get back (or email during the trip if you have time).|||Bake Sales

Yard Sale

Request Donations from friends and neighbors.

Request Donations at church. Have details of the trip published in the Church bulletin so that people will know its for real and they can make a donation if they like. Ask the Church to take up a special collection for the trip. Part of the money from the collection goes to the church and part of it goes towards financing your trip.|||Buy lots of goodies and put them in a basket and raffle it off with 1-2dollar tickets you can sell them at high schools malls and down the street. make sure you make everybody know what it is fo and what you would be doing over there|||1. Write a letter asking for prayer and financial support. Send it out to everyone you know. Give them details-people like that. Don't be afraid to send it out. God will provide!

2. See if your church will take up a special offering for you and your husband. You never know until you ask!

3. Do a yard sale-ask a bunch of people to donate nice things for a yard sale and let them know that the money is going to missions....also have a poster board made up with your info and a jar for people to donate.

4. Have people sponsor you for a "Walk to Asia"...or something like that

Blessings on your trip!|||sell cookies and say they are for charity|||sell books.

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