Saturday, December 17, 2011

When the former President is flown home on the Presidential Plane, what is its Call Sign?

A plane that is carrying the President, regardless of whether it be the Presidential plane, a military plane, or a Cub Piper, becomes Air Force One. What Call Sign is used as the fly Former President Bush home?|||Some of this is true, some of it is not. I'm an air traffic controller, so allow me to shed a little light on this, if I may.

Since G.W. took off after Obama was sworn in, he was no longer President, as some have noted. As this is the case, the tail number of the Boeing (since he still flew in the actual plane that is normally Air Force One) is 28000. Hence, SAM 28000, or Special Air Mission 28000. We, as controllers, would refer to it as SAM 28000.

If, say, he was still President, since it is flown by an Air Force general, it would be called Air Force One. If it were a Coast Guard plane, it would be called Coast Guard One, and the same with Marines and Navy. It's respective of which branch he flies with. If he was flying a civilian plane, it would be called Executive One. The same is true of the Vice President, except replacing One with Two. Also, if the President's or Vice President's family is on board, we automatically designate the plane Foxtrot One or Two, providing the President or Vice President are not on board with them.

Long winded, but I hope this clarifies.|||Well the Air Force One is a aircraft that carries the president. But when the former president is flown home, the aircraft that is used is called "Executive One". I remember hearing that on the news, while I was watching the Inauguration. I remember the news corespondent stating that "the Former President Bush is now boarding the Executive Marine (the helicopter), it is no longer called Marine One as it is carrying the Former President now". So using that I think that the Air Force 1 would be called Executive 1. Hope it helps.|||Any plane that carries the president will start with the military branch the one (air force-1=A2, marine-1 VM1) any time it is the vice president it is the same but 2 (air force 2), ANY VIP on board an A/C will be executive one no matter what the branch carrying it and the same with VIP and presidential families executive one foxtrot. The former commander and chief Mr. Bush Flew executive one back and it may have been a Special Air Mission but that was not the call sign|||The aircraft is called by it's original Call sign, because as you said, any aircraft that takes the president onboard becomes the "Airforce-1"

So if it is taking anyone else, it should be called by it麓s original Call Sign|||It uses its "normal" call sign. In the case of the presidential planes, they have regular Air Force numbers which they use when NOT carrying the president.

Wonder if wikipedia has those numbers.....

Yep, sure enough - "28000" and "29000"|||I believe the call sign SAM (special air mission) could also be used. I believe when Nixon resigned he was aboard a plane when Ford was sworn in so it took off as Air Force One hen became and landed as SAM27000. (I think I learned that at one time)|||The plane will use the aircraft number as a call sign such 2800 Heavy instead of Air Force 1 as that is strictly reserved for the active president of the United States. Retirees don't rate.|||It would be what it normally would be called the plane only uses the call sign Air Force One when the president of the US in on board|||Special Air Mission 28000, according to press releases.|||"Executive One"

The most recognizable call sign of this type is Air Force One, used when any Air Force aircraft is transporting the U.S. President. Similarly, when the President is flown in a U.S. Marine Corps helicopter, the call sign is Marine One.

A current president transported in a Civilian aircraft (ie piper cub" would NOT use Airforce One but rather "Executive One" - Callsign for civilian presidential aircraft.

According to CNN former president George W Bush will be leaving the ceremonies aboard "Executive One" today.|||operation 28000

28000 is tail number of air force one|||Lame Duck 1

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