Saturday, December 17, 2011

How do I help my 5 month old with a sinus infection flying in a plane?

Both my son and my fiance have had a cold that led into a sinus infection within 3 days. Both required an antibiotic. My baby girl came down with it last night, not bad though yet. We are leaving on a plane tomorrow morning at 8am, I am affraid the plane will intense the sinus pain and really hurt her. Does anyone have any home remedies? I am taking her to the doctor but her usual one is not in and I am affraid this one will not give her an antibiotic then we will be in florida without anything. I know about the saline nose drops and we are already using those and I will have her nurse or suck a bottle during take off and landings. Any other suggestions?|||Stay home with your family.|||Cancel your flight and protect your child and wallet, It will cost you $35,000 if the plane has to make an emergency landing

It might kill your child if you go|||Since your baby is so young. I would not recommend any remedies for the baby. I think that there is a medical line that all States have that you should call, and you can talk to a nurse about the issues you are having. They can tell you the best products to use for your baby based off her age and weight.

I think that you should call the medical line.

A number you could call PRN Nursing Services (661) 917-1022|||If she will take a pacifier, let her have it. The constant sucking will help keep her little ears from hurting , and keep the the pressure equalized.|||You really need to see a dr. even if it is not your regular one. He can listen to the baby's chest and see whether it is just sinus or if the lungs aren't clear. I did this with my 4 month old (4years ago) and was given the ok to fly. Even so with the recycled cabin air she developed RSV a viral infection that clogged up her lungs so that when we landed we spend 3 days in the hosital. Young babies get sick very fast. Don't fly without having her looked at first and have on hand whatever the dr recommneds should she get worse.|||Never mind any "Home remedies" I get so mad at this. If you love your baby you'll stick to what the doctor ordered.

I will tell you your right, the baby will suffer some but remember, the plane is pressurized and, at the same level as long as it's pressurized, as you would be on the ground. The problem would be is it a constant pressure and, is it going to be the same all the time. I don't think so but, I don't think other then some discomfort this won't harm her.|||5 month old babies can sometimes have a mild antihistimene like Dimetapp talk to the doctor about it when you see him.

I had a baby with an ear infection at 3 months old, he was supposed to fly back west with his Grandma and the doctor told me no way. So we had to take him by car across country.

Good luck on flying anywhere this year, Denver airport is still closed and many flights are messed up because of it.|||Call the hospital and ask the baby doctor on duty.

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