Thursday, December 15, 2011

How long in advance can u book a plane ticket before using it?

I live in Guyana and my bf lives in New long in advance can u book a plane ticket before using it and can he book it in his name and then transfer it to my name?

e.g can u book a plane ticket in may and use it till august?|||Most airlines allow you to book a ticket up to 11 months (or 330 days) in advance, so you could book a ticket in May for travel in August. (There are a few airlines that only sell tickets 4 to 6 months in advance, but even on those airlines, you could buy a ticket in May for travel in August.)

It's unlikely, however, that he would be able to book a ticket in his name and transfer it to your name. Most airlines do not allow name changes on tickets; therefore, a ticket would have to be purchased in your name. If he is the one buying the ticket, he is allowed to purchase a ticket for you -- airlines do allow people to buy tickets for other people.|||NORMALLY 6 MONTHS IN ADVANCE

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