Saturday, December 17, 2011

Who are the crew who guide the fighter plane from the navy ships to fly called?

They are usually on the deck who usually wear different coloured jackets like yellow, green and who just know the right time to aloow a fighter plane to go ahead to fly. They are usually close to fighter planes and they make different signs with their body which mean something.|||They are called "plane handlers".They wear yellow jerseys or coats so that they are highly visible and they are in visual contact with the flight deck officer who determines which planes are launched and in what order. No one moves an airplane on the flight deck without their guidance. Pilots are not allowed make any turns without their instructions to do so. Failure to follow their instructions can get someone injured or killed very easily. Pilots can not see what is behind their airplanes and the jet wash can blow an unsuspecting person down or even over the side. You can not hear on the flight deck with all the engines turning and so they live or die with hand signals or body movements. Ballet dancing is not as well coordinated. No ballet dancer ever died from someone else's mistake. Pure poetry in motion.

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