Monday, December 12, 2011

What is the best way to take a guitar on a plane?

I'm taking an acoustic guitar with me and I'm checking it. How should I loosen the strings or moisturize it. What is the safest way to take it on a plane so that it can survive the change of air pressure, and being bump into?|||to start use a hard case and there's a few ways to do it you can declare it as another suitcase but that way it may get damaged and they say you cant declare it as cary on because of the size and wight but when i got a guitar in spain it was really easy to declare as cary on at the last second and get back to australia so it shouldn't be any trouble and i loosened the strings but i don't think it would have made any difference but better safe than sorry|||Make sure its in a hard case. Other than that you shouldnt have any problems|||you can put it in a box that are stuff full with newspapaer, paste the "frigal" stick before you check in and sent your guitar in|||If you fly business class its easy. You can take with you to the cabin, but if you have to load when checking in. Please make sure that you must have the FLIGHT CASE ! I meant it should made of Fiber not of wood. No need to lossen the strings, but when you get out of the plane. Dont open the case immediately. YOu have to leave the guitar in the normal temperature for a couple of hours. The guitar will gradually get to the normal condition but need couple of hours.

My friend once came back from aborad with his new Martin. When he arrived, he opened the case showing me his guitar... Once he opened we both heard a crack !!! and when we checked carefully we found the cracked line inside the body. Please make sure that guitar is in normal temperature before open the case.

Hope this would help. |||The airline will probably ask you to check it in. So use a hard case for your guitar. Loosen the guitar strings. You can retune them later when you get to your destination. Then slap a fragile sticker on it. |||first, put it in a hard shell case.

Then just bring it as a carry-on item, and the employees will take it from you because it is too big and will put with the luggage, then, just pick it up on your way out.|||DO NOT CHECK IT!!!! CARRY IT ON WITH YOU!!! THEY WILL LET YOU. IT WILL BRAKE!

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